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Library Concert Series: The Melodic Miners

Friday, February 21, 2020 Show more dates
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Arthur Lakes Library: Boettcher Room

The Melodic Miners are the only all-female a capella group on Mines campus. The group was formed in 1998 and is currently made up of 7 women ranging from freshman to seniors. They sing in four-part harmony and always without accompaniment. Based on the classic style of Sweet Adeline Barbershop music from the 1950s, the Melodic Miners have expanded to include many ranges of a capella sound. They love the challenge of a capella singing, the amazing way that the music sounds, and the strong friendships they form through music. They perform at a variety of events around campus and community and are excited to sing at Concerts in the Library once again!

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Library Concert Series: The Melodic Miners


Presented by
The Melodic Miners


Library Contact

Library Contact
Gyasi Evans