Event box

Library Concert Series: featuring Elizabeth Palmiotti

Friday, March 6, 2020
12:00pm - 1:00pm
Arthur Lakes Library: Boettcher Room

Join us for a special performance by classical pianist Elizabeth Palmiotti and help support Mines performing artists!

Elizabeth Palmiotti is a 3rd year graduate student in the Materials Science program and a 2017 Mines alum. She began piano lessons when she was 3-1/2 years old at the Music Institute of Long Island under the instruction of Alla Belle. During those early years, her patient piano teacher from Moscow spent most lessons trying to keep her sitting still at the piano bench. As she got older and was able to reach the keys without sitting on a few phonebooks, Elizabeth found a passion in classical piano performance. Some of her memorable New York City performances include performing at Carnegie Hall, recitals at Steinway Hall, and performing a piano-violin duet of 'O Sole Mio' with her sister for her Italian grandmother. Since entering graduate school, Elizabeth is taking lessons once more to advance her piano technique and performance skills under the instruction of Raisa Voldman. For Concerts in the Library, she will be performing Bach's Prelude No. 1 from the Well-Tempered Clavier, Beethoven's Pathetique Sonata, and Chopin's Waltz Op. 64 No. 2.

Bring a friend and brown bag lunch to Elizabeth Palmiotti's first appearance at the Concert Series. Hot and cold beverages served.